Research Areas
Looking to solve major world problems, our award winning faculty focus on many topics within the scope of catalysis such as homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, electrocatalysis, and photoelectrocatalysis.
Faculty who work in this area include
Sustainable Engineering
Researchers from multidisciplinary backgrounds in chemical engineering, chemistry, environmental engineering, and petroleum engineering are focused on developing sustainable solutions to grand challenges that are essential to humanity: (1) sustainable energy, (2) clean water, (3) available food, and (4) reducing the impacts of climate change.
Faculty who work in this area include
Biomedical and Biomaterials Engineering
Our diverse faculty use a combination of chemistry, chemical engineering, and bioengineering to design novel biomaterials such as polymers, biological drug delivery devices, and hydrogels.
Faculty who work in this area include
Petroleum Engineering
With a long tradition of leading the nation in enhanced oil recovery, our current researchers also work in CO2 sequestration, unconventional reservoir engineering, and use of artificial intelligence for data collection and management.
Faculty who work in this area include
Process Optimization
Research in this area focuses on chemical process optimization, process systems engineering, and product design.