Research Centers
Equipment Highlights
- Adsorption equipment: XEMIS gravimetric microbalance, Hiden intelligent gravimetric analyzers, Langmuir troughs, Setaram high-pressure calorimeter, Pressure-swing absorption system
- Electrochemical: Conductive AFM, Multi-channel Potentiostat/Galvanostat, HT quartz reactors, SECM
- Imaging: High resolution fluorescence microscopes, Live cell imaging, Atomic force imaging, SEM
- Catalysis: Batch, continuous, fluidized bed, and high-pressure reactors, Catalyst characterization equipment, Mass Spectrometers, ReactIR Systems, Zeolite library
- Analytical techniques: Time-domain NMR, X-ray microcomputed tomography, several GCs, ICP, HPLC, Hiden intelligent gravimetric sorption analyzer, Fuel Property laboratory, and Particle characterization techniques
Center for Environmentally Beneficial Catalysis (CEBC)
Researchers at KU's Center for Environmentally Beneficial Catalysis are developing cost-competitive chemical manufacturing processes that prevent waste and conserve natural resources. CEBC's internationally recognized faculty members offer a novel mix of expertise in developing catalytic processes. Our industry-focused approach helps push research discoveries toward commercialization and provides unique training opportunities for students.

Tertiary Oil Recovery Program (TORP)
TORP works to evaluate the full potential of the oil recovery processes in Kansas. This includes tertiary oil recovery as well as more standard technologies such as waterflooding. TORP interacts with Kansas oil producers and collaborates with the Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) on workshops and providing educational resources to students and industry.

Center for Net Carbon Zero GeoEnergy Intelligence and Sustainability (C0GEiS)
At C⓪GEiS, we perform multidisciplinary research to develop disruptive and transformational Physics-inspired (PAI), Explainable (XAI), and Resilient (RAI) AI systems (PXR-AI)©* to accelerate the Net Carbon Zero Geo Energy development efforts and use Offshore and Onshore resources in an environmentally friendly way.

Wonderful Institute for Sustainable Engineering
The Institute will advance global sustainability through transformational engineering, science, and education. We aim to focus on creative solutions that can be applied to real-world issues promoting the societal, economic, and environmental benefits of sustainable and green engineering.