Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate student Jennifer Chen with Associate Professor Alan Allgeier

Engage with Faculty

We pride ourselves on engaging our undergraduate students in cutting edge research. Our students consistently win undergraduate research awards to support their work.
three students with lab instructor David Griffin working in the Unit Ops lab

Experiential Learning

Half of our students graduate with research experience.

Teaching Labs Webpage

REU students sitting around conference table eating cake with Dr. Jenny Robinson

Fun meetings

Undergrad research can be fun and include benefits like pizza, cake, and experience presenting in front of peers and near peers.
Twenty students from the Shiflett group standing on the court in Allen Fieldhouse

Part of a team

Students of all levels (Grad and Undergrad) work and play together as part of team.
Grad student Gang yang presenting at a conference

Attend Conferences

Students have multiple opportunities to present their research at local, regional, national, and international conferences.