Dr. Karen J. Nordheden

- Associate Professor
- Director of Undergraduate Studies (Chemical)
Contact Info
1530 W. 15th Street
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
My research interests are in the areas of plasma conversion, plasma diagnostics, and microfabrication. Our most recent project involves the plasma conversion of carbon dioxide to CO and O2. Plasma reactors are an attractive alternative to conventional conversion processes since the electrons and active species in the plasma can stimulate dissociation even when the bulk gas is near room temperature and at atmospheric pressure. They are also more energy efficient. The CO obtained by splitting CO2 could be combined with hydrogen to form synthesis gas for the production of value-added fuels and chemicals.
Research —
Research interests:
- plasma processing and catalysis
- plasma diagnostics
- dry reforming, microfabrication
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Process Dynamics & Controls
- Process Safety & Sustainability
- Introduction to Semiconductor Processing
- Momentum Transfer
- Heat Transfer
- Methods of Chemical & Petroleum Calculations
- Introduction to the Chemical Engineering Profession
Selected Publications —
Banerjee, Atindra M, Joel Billinger, Karen J Nordheden, and Floran J J Peeters. “Conversion of CO2 in a Packed-Bed Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor.” Journal Articles. Special Issue on Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas: Chemistry & Material Interactions 36, no. 4 (2, 2018): 04F403. https://doi.org/10.1116/1.5024400.
Nordheden, Karen J, Atindra M Banerjee, Joel Billinger, Susan M Stagg-Williams, R V Chaudhari, and Bala Subramaniam. CO2 Conversion in a Cylindrical Packed-Bed Dielectric Barrier Discharge. Conference Proceedings. 22nd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, 2015. http://www.ispc-conference.org.
Jiang, Qiying, Karen J. Nordheden, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “Oxygen Permeation Study and Improvement of Ba0.5SSr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2Ox Perovskite Ceramic Membranes.” Journal Articles. J. Membrane Science 369, no. 1–2 (March 2011): 174–81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2010.11.073.
Jiang, Q., S. Faraji, K. J. Nordheden, and S. M. Stagg-Williams. “CO2 Reforming Reaction Assisted with Oxygen Permeable Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2Ox Ceramic Membranes.” Journal Articles. J. Membrane Science 368, no. 1–2 (2011): 69–77.
Faraji, Sedigheh, K. J. Nordheden, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “A Comparative Study of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2Ox (BSCF) and SrFeCo0.5Ox (SFC) Ceramic Membranes Used for Syngas Production.” Journal Articles. Applied Catalysis B, Environmental 99, no. 1–2 (2010): 118–26.
Slade, David A., Qiying Jiang, K. J. Nordheden, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “A Comparison of Mixed-Conducting Oxygen-Permeable Membranes for CO2 Reforming.” Journal Articles. Catalysis Today 148, no. 3–4 (2009): 290–97.
Jiang, Qiying, Karen J. Nordheden, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. Reaction Performance of Ba0.5SSr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2Ox Asymmetric Oxygen-Permeable Ceramic Membrane Reactor. Conference Proceedings. AICHE Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, Conference Proceedings, Pp. 539a/1-4, 2009.
Faraji, Sedigheh, K. J. Nordheden, and Susan M. Stagg-Williams. “The Interaction Between SrFeCo0.5Ox Ceramic Membranes and Pt/CeZrO2 during Syngas Production from Methane.” Journal Articles. Catalysis Letters 131, no. 1 (2009): 114–21.
Selected Presentations —
Nordheden, K. J., Banerjee, A. M., Stagg-Williams, S. M., Billinger, J., Chaudhari, R. V., & Subramaniam, B. (7/5/2015 - 7/10/2015). CO2 conversion in a cylindrical packed-bed dielectric barrier discharge. 22nd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Antwerp, Belgium
Nordheden, K. J., Banerjee, A. M., Stagg-Williams, S. M., Chaudhari, R. V., & Subramaniam, B. (3/31/2014 - 4/2/2014). CO2 Splitting in a CeO2 -ZrO2 Packed-bed dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor. Solvay Workshop on Plasmas for Environmental Applications. Brussels, Belgium
Faraji, S., Nordheden, K. J., & Stagg-Williams, S. M. (11/7/2010 - 11/12/2010). Improvement of Catalytic Hydrogen Production from Methane Using Dense Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2Ox Ceramic Membranes. 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting, paper no. 683c. Salt Lake City, UT
Jiang, Q., Wentworth, T., Nordheden, K. J., & Stagg-Williams, S. M. (11/7/2010 - 11/12/2010). Studies of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2Ox Asymmetric Membranes. 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting, paper no. 156e. Salt Lake City, UT
Nordheden, K. J., Pathak, B. A., & Alexander, J. L. (1/25/2009 - 1/28/2009). ICP etching of ZnO in BCl3/SF6 gas mixtures. Zinc Oxide Materials and Devices IV, Photonics West, SPIE. San Jose, CA
Awards & Honors —
Bellows Scholar
School of Engineering, University of Kansas
Celebration of Teaching Award
KU Center for Teaching Excellence
W. T. Kemper Fellow Award for Teaching Excellence
Henry E. Gould Award for Distinguished Service to Undergraduate Engineering Education
H. Bernerd Fink Award for Excellence in Teaching
Harry Talley Excellence In Teaching Award
Senior Member
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers