William Ampomah

Dr. William Ampomah is an Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, United States. He was recently appointed by New Mexico Secretary of Energy as a Commissioner to the Oil Conservation Commission. Dr. Ampomah is also the Section Head of the Reservoir Evaluation/ Advanced Computational Technologies (REACT) group at the Petroleum Recovery Research Center (PRRC) at New Mexico Tech since 2018. He is the Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator of at least five (5) US Department of Energy (US-DOE) grants. Dr. Ampomah has published over 60 papers and several presentations in areas of enhanced oil recovery, CO2 sequestration, reservoir characterization, application of machine learning in numerical simulation and optimization. Dr. Ampomah has his MS and PhD degrees at New Mexico Tech in 2012 and 2016 respectively in Petroleum Engineering. He completed his BS in Petroleum Engineering in Kwame Nkrumah University of Science.
Overview of Safe Subsurface Storage of CO2 in Saline Reservoirs: San Juan Basin CarbonSAFE Phase III
The San Juan CarbonSAFE Phase III project is one of five large scale CO2 sequestration projects sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy. The primary objective of this project is to perform a comprehensive commercial-scale site characterization of a storage complex located in northwest New Mexico to accelerate the deployment of integrated carbon capture and storage within the region. This presentation will focus on the overview of the project to achieve its set objectives. Currently in its demonstration stage, the SJB CarbonSAFE team, cooperating with five universities, three national laboratories, service companies, and operating partners, is investigating and characterizing the site suitability to inject and store CO2 in saline storage reservoirs in San Juan Basin. The targeted CO2 storage formation complex includes the Slick Rock Member of the Jurassic Entrada Sandstone, the Bluff Sandstone, and the Salt Wash Member of the Jurassic Morrison Formation. A characterization well will be drilled to collect information on storage reservoirs and confining systems including petrophysical, mechanical and fluid properties of the system. The data and analysis will be utilized to prepare and submit application and obtain a permit for Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI to construct the injection facility.