CJ Ponge

- Graduate Student
Contact Info
LEEP2, Room 2444
1530 W. 15th Street
Lawrence, KS 66045
1530 W. 15th Street
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
Research Advisor: Mark Shiflett
Education —
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (In Progress)
Research —
CJ earned his Bachelor’s degree (2016) and Master’s degree (2021) in Chemical Engineering (minor in Engineering Entrepreneurship) from Villanova University. He ran the Thermodynamics Laboratory at the Chemours Company (2017-2021) measuring VLE and thermophysical properties of Fluorocarbon mixtures. He is currently pursuing his PhD at the University of Kansas as a member of the Shiflett research group. His research is focused on the adsorption of PFAS using Zeolites.