Pamela Johnson Named Outstanding PhD

The President of the Graduate Engineering Association, Charu Vikaram Srivatsa, announced the winner and nominees for the Outstanding Graduate Student Awards at the School of Engineering Recognition Ceremony on Saturday, May 15th. We are pleased to highlight the achievements of all of our department’s finalists who include:

Abduallah Bahdad, a Chemical Engineering student, for Outstanding MS

Dylan Jantz for Outstanding PhD in Chemical Engineering

Pamela Johnson for Outstanding PhD in Bioengineering

Pamela was selected as the recipient of the award at the PhD level.

About Pamela, she is a driven researcher who utilizes advanced biomaterial fabrication and analysis techniques such as emulsion electrospinning, fluid flow characterization, scanning electron microscopy, and cell culture to develop tunable polymer scaffolds for targeted drug delivery.

Congratulations, Dr. Pamela Johnson!