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Celebrating Faculty and Staff work anniversaries

Please join us in celebrating the work anniversary milestones of our colleagues. Amirmasoud Kalantari - 5 years Shahin Negahban - 5 years Mark Shiflett - 5 years Jyun Syung Tsau  - 20 years Scott Ramskill - 15 years

Jenny Robinson Awarded NIH Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award

Gang Yang Earns First Place in SPE Regional Paper Contest

Newly graduated PhD student, Dr.

Alan Allgeier Receives 2021 Catalysis Club of Philadelphia Award

It is a joy to announce that Associate Professor Alan M. Allgeier was selected as the 2021 Catalysis Club of Philadelphia Award recipient.

Mark Shiflett named Editor-in-Chief of new Elsevier publication

It is our pleasure to announce that Foundation Distinguished Professor Mark B. Shiflett has been selected as the Editor-in-Chief of a new journal that has been launched by Elsevier called the Journal of Ionic Liquids.

Pamela Johnson Named Outstanding PhD

The President of the Graduate Engineering Association, Charu Vikaram Srivatsa, announced the winner and nominees for the Outstanding Graduate Student Awards at the School of Engineering Recognition Ceremony on Saturday, May 15th.

CPE Faculty Earn School of Engineering Awards

The annual faculty awards were announced during the Spring 2021 School of Engineering recognition ceremony on Saturday, May 15th. The Chemical & Petroleum Engineering Department is pleased to announce that three of those awards came to faculty members in our department.

Two Chemical Engineering Seniors Honored with University Awards

The Kathryn Nemeth Tuttle Student Scholar Award  This award is presented to a graduating senior scholarship hall student. Recipients have demonstrated academic focus, leadership in the scholarship hall and also commitment to the KU and Lawrence communities.

STEM Research Showcase Winners

Congratulations to the Winners of the 2021 STEM Research Showcase!

CPE Alumni John Aunins Elected to National Academy of Engineering

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Chemical & Petroleum Engineering