Mark Shiflett named Editor-in-Chief of new Elsevier publication

It is our pleasure to announce that Foundation Distinguished Professor Mark B. Shiflett has been selected as the Editor-in-Chief of a new journal that has been launched by Elsevier called the Journal of Ionic Liquids.

The journal will publish papers on the broad field of ionic liquids and include topics such as thermophysical properties, coatings, catalysis and chemical reactions, interfacial phenomena, lubricants, materials, membranes, molecular modeling, polymers, separations, scale-up, and toxicity. The Journal of Ionic Liquids will be the first journal dedicated to the exciting and expanding field of ionic liquids.

The editorial staff includes experts from around the world:

  • Jose Nuno Canongia Lopes, University of Lisbon Centre for Structural Chemistry, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Jairton Dupont, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
  • Anil Kumar, National Chemical Laboratory CSIR Physical and Materials Chemistry Division, Pune, India
  • Xingmei Lu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
  • Ekaterina Pas, Monash University, School of Chemistry, Victoria, Australia

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Mark Shiflett on this stellar accomplishment!