U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Mud Mountain Dam Fish Passage Facility (under construction)

Image submitted by Alumni/Advisory Board member: Guy Green
The Mud Mountain Dam Fish Passage Facility (shown here under construction) is located on the White River near Buckley, Washington, This facility is the largest trap-and-haul fish passage facility in the nation. Endangered Species Act-listed chinook salmon, steelhead trout, and other fish travel through the Mud Mountain Dam each year. When fully operational, it is capable of transporting 60,000 fish a day, upwards of 1.2 million fish per year, during pink salmon run years.
Learn more about the project on this U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Press Release and on the Army Corps' website.
As it says in one of the articles, “the Corps of Engineers regional design team for this massive project included more than 150 employees from three Corps districts and two architecture and engineering firms.” The Seattle District Design Branch I oversee was the lead district for this effort, and integrally involved.